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Europe’s Top-Event of western riding:

Augsburg, Germany, September 6-10,2006

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Five days of world class western riding / purse of EUR 150.000.- / 29 classes / Europe’s leading exhibition for the western rider / superb evening shows with top finals / non-stop entertainment in Americana’s legendary western town


It is Europe’s premier western event: From September 6 to 10, 2006 Europe’s best riders meet at AMERICANA 2006 at the Augsburg fairground. The showmanagement expects more than 40 000 visitors to the 13th „World Open Championship Western Riding“. International associations and even NRHA USA will be present there. The programme is a unique combination of world class sport and entertainment, the latter including the famous Red Grizzly Saloon, great Countrybands and much more. The highlights will certainly be the three evening shows which are scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. And there is the huge exhibition.



Europe’s Sales exhibition No. 1 for western riding

Besides top sport, AMERICANA 2006 offers Europe’s leading sales exhibition for western riding. There will be more than 240 exhibitors on 20 000 square metres offering their products – from clothes, boots and hats to equipment, horse care products, box stalls, trailers, hot walkers to Indian jewelry. And of course there are special exhibition discounts…

Among the renowned exhibitors, you’ll find e.g. Agrobs, Cayuse, Day’s Ecora, Gomeier, Kenner-Store, Loesdau, Rieser, Texas Trading, Western Outdoor Wear and many more.

Another important topic is health care for horses including biological products. You’ll find a variety of information about this topic from food to medical treatment.


AMERICANA 06: Top Sport & Top Entertainment

AMERICANA ofers a rich variety of show and entertainment – no wonder it’s Europe’s number 1 western events. Nowhere elese in Europe  you can find that mixture of top sport and country flair at such a level. Visiotos are especially looking forward to the evening shows – their tickets should be booked well in advance. If there are tickets for the evening shows left, you’ll get them at the box office.


There will be the  „Run of the Stars. - Reining at its best!“ (Thursday, September 7), the  „Cow Horse Festival“ (September 8) and the „Cutting Spectacular“ ( September 9), all shows starting at 8 p.m., lasting about three hours and presenting different show programme each day.


Of course, there will be an attractive show programme during the day as well with competition starting at 8 a.m.



EUR 32,000.---Reining 

It’s hard to choose between the great variety of competitions. But of course, there are a few very spezial highlights. Just think of the EUR 32,000.-- added Reining NRHA Bronze Trophy Open. That huge amount of prize money attracts more and more international riders and also influences considerably the NRHA standings. The date is also very special this year, as Americana directly follows the World Equestrian Games, and WEG competitors will meet again in Augsburg. Also they will compete against younger horses as well, like Master Snappe“. The 4-year-old stallion recently won the NRHA Derby giving a marvellous presentation. Kelly Zweifel, who trained and showed him in the U.S.,  will show him in Augsburg



„poster star 2006 “ Markus Schoepfer 

One of the most spectacular classes is the Reined Cow Horse Futurity which consists of three parts: Reining, Cutting and a Working Cowhorse. The finals will be during the evening show on September 8. A favourite is Markus Schoepfer (ITA) who won this event last year and is this year’s Americana poster star.



Spectacular Cutting at a high class Level

Cutting has alwys been a very important part of Americana.). Und auch hier ist wichtigste Entscheidung in einer Abendshow zu sehen, wenn die Reiter am 9. September beim „Cutting Specacular“ zum Finale in der offenen Klasse antreten.


EUR 5000,-- Trail

There is a purse of EUR 5.000.-- added for the „Americana World Open Trail all ages“ – which should be the largest purse so far for a trail in Europe. Another class worth looking at is the Superhorse which combines elements of four disciplines and is organized the regional Bavarian part of the Erste Westernreiter Union Deutschland (EWU).


Breedings of top sires for sale on auction

During Americana, 20 breedings to famous sires will be sold on auction – with a little bit of luck you may  buy one for far less than the regular fee. The auction is scheduled for September 9, starting at 1 p.m. You can bid the days before in written form or live during the auction. The stallions are there to have a look at, as they are presented in the „Stallion Alley“ in hall 2 and also in the internet at www.americana.de > visitors > stallion promotion.


Learn from the experts: Stars in the Western Forum


Whoever wants to learn more about training, breeding, equipment and veterinary management: the western forum in hall 4  is the right place for that. Renowned experts will share their know how with you.



Be on the safe side: Buy your tickets well in advance


Tickets are available unter phone number +49 9129 90 996 501) or via internet booking at www.kvv.afag.de, www.americana.de or www.americana2006.com. Of course, tickets can be bought at the box office as well, although you may not get any tickets for the evening shows.


For further information concerning the Americana sports programme please contact:


Horst Geier / Joachim W. Bochmann

phone.: 07004 2637 422 or call from outside of Germany +49 4209-4488

E-Mail: americana@onlinehome.de

Web: www.americana.de




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Dictionary of western riding
free encyclopedia at wikipedia
free dictionary at leo.org
Further Information
Information on the associations Information on the breeds Information on western riding

Three auctions on ebay.de


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