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Lil Ruf Peppy wird 11. Million Dollar Sire der NRHA
Million Dollar Milestone for Lil Ruf Peppy
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Wie die NRHA USA bekannt gab, wurde Lil Ruf Peppy (Bes. Green Valley Ranch, Aubrey, Texas) jetzt der elfte Million Dollar Sire. Den Ausschlag gab das National Reining Breeders Classic (NRBC), bei dem die Nachkommen Lil Santana, Pop Tart und Dry Ruf als Finalisten in den Limited Open und Intermediate Open Klassen das noch fehlende Preisgeld holten.

Lil Ruf Peppy wurde von der King Ranch gezüchtet. Er ist ein Sohn des großen Peppy San Badger aus der Rufas Peppy von Mr San Peppy. Unter Tom McCutcheon gewann er selbst $28,031.55. Der Hengst war Vierter auf der All American Quarter Horse Congress Futurity 1994 und Limited Open Division Champion und Open Division Finalist beim Carolina Classic Derby 1995 - dem Jahr, in dem er auch NRHA Derby Open Reserve Champion und Limited Open Division Champion in Oklahoma City wurde. Zu seinen bislang erfolgreichsten Nachkommen zählen Sailin Ruf, Ruf Hearted Jac und Lil Ruf Jac.


It’s official! Lil Ruf Peppy, owned by Green Valley Ranch, Aubrey, Texas, has just been named NRHA’s eleventh Million Dollar Sire. At the start of the National Reining Breeders Classic (NRBC) held recently in Katy, Texas, Lil Ruf Peppy was less than $3,000 short of the Million Dollar milestone. Limited and Intermediate Open Classic finalists Lil Santana, Pop Tart and Dry Ruf joined forces to put their sire over the top. Chief Administrative Officer for the World Games 2010 Foundation, Inc.


Lil Ruf Peppy, bred by the King Ranch, Inc, hit the ground in Kingsville, Texas, on May 1, 1991. He’s by Peppy San Badger and out of Rufas Peppy by Mr San Peppy. Ridden exclusively by Tom McCutcheon, who trains out of Wallis Winegar’s Green Valley Ranch, Lil Ruf Peppy has NRHA Lifetime Earnings of $28,031.55. While owned by Giuditta Foti, he was fourth in the 1994 All American Quarter Horse Congress Futurity and he was the Limited Open Division Champion and an Open Division finalist at the 1995 Carolina Classic Derby in Raleigh, North Carolina. In 1995, he was the NRHA Derby Open Reserve Champion and the Limited Open Division Champion in Oklahoma City.

Obviously, Lil Ruf Peppy’s offspring have excelled. NRHA money earners include Sailin Ruf, Ruf Hearted Jac and Lil Ruf Jac. Each demonstrates the athletic ability, versatility and longevity of Lil Ruf Peppy’s offspring. Sailin Ruf, owned by Giovanni Cioli and ridden by Tom McCutcheon, was third in the 2001 NRHA Futurity and went on to earn $110,532.52 in NRHA events. Ruf Hearted Jac, with McCutcheon in the saddle for owner TLC Farms, was a 2002 NRHA Futurity and 2003 NRBC finalist. With Justin Mathison, Ruf Hearted Jac owned by Tommy Lee Pierce also earned money at the 2004 and 2005 NRBC Derby competitions. Most recently, ridden by Tom McCutcheon and owned by Sarah Willeman, Ruf Hearted Jac won the first USEF Open Qualifier of the 2006 show season in Denver, Colorado. Ruf Hearted Jac has NRHA Lifetime Earnings of $65,548.13. Then there’s Lil Ruf Jac with NRHA Lifetime Earnings of $52,462.07. Owned by Tom and Mandy McCutcheon and with Tom in the saddle, the gelding was a 2001 Congress and NRHA Futurity finalist, but from that time on Lil Ruf Jac has been shown in NRHA Non Pro competition and is presently owned by Shevin Schwartzenberger.

It is with great pleasure that the National Reining Horse Association welcomes Lil Ruf Peppy to the exclusive NRHA Million Dollar Sire club. He’s in great company. Other NRHA Million Dollar Sires include Hollywood Jac 86, Be Aech Enterprise, Topsail Cody, Reminic, Gallo Del Cielo, Custom Crome, Two Million Dollar Sire Shining Spark, Three Million Dollar Sires Topsail Whiz and Smart Chic Olena and Four Million Dollar Sire Hollywood Dun It.



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