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This was the 2006 World Reining Trophy
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For the third time, top reining riders and horses met in Mooslargue, France, at the beautiful HorseAcademy facility for the World Reining Trophy. The show offerd a purse of more than USD 100.000,-- . For the first time, the show was judged by five judges: Allen Mitchells (USA), Eugenio Latorre (ITA), Jan Boogaerts (BEL), Rick Lemay (SWE) and Ralf Hesselschwerdt (GER).

More than 140 horses competed in six classes, which was slightly less than in the years before. This was partly due to the World Equestrian Games in a few months, which prevented potential WEG candidates from competing like those from Switzerland and Germany. Also, some top competitors from the U.S.A. and Italy excused themselves because of the tight show schedule this year. Nevertheless, the World Reining Trophy became another great highlight of the European reining shows again. Visitors saw great reinings, both in the Bronze Trophiers and in Intermediate and Limited Open. Looking at the scores of the Bronze Trophies, they seem to be lower than last year, but one has to take into consideration that the judges were not generous in awarding plus points here. A 72 here would have been a 74 else where.


Martin Larcombe becomes Bronze Trophy Open Champion for the second time
There were 36 competitors in the Open Bronze Trophy. 21 of them made it to the final, the best being Emanuel Ernst (GER) astride Chickle Me Please (219.5). But in the end, it was Martin Larcombe (AUS) again, whowon the Open Lawson Trophy which offered a purse of over USD 68 000,-- this year. Heaving won the 2004  WRT astride ARC Oak Enterprise, he now took the title and more than USD 15 000,-- with Red Chic Peppy. This stallion, owned by  Maria Bianchi (ITA) was in the finals before placing third in 2004 and 15th in 2005. The two gave a wonderful presentation with smooth speed control, tremendously fast and flat spins and superb Stopps scoring a 222. Not even Roosters Spurs (owner Dr. Sabine Wagner, GER) and Bernard Fonck (BEL) gould surpass this score although they gave a marvelous presentation scoring a 221.5. Shania Snapper (owner Johanna Binder, GER) and  Morey Fisk placed third.
Results Open Bronze Trophy
1. Martin Larcombe (AUS)                                            Red Chic Peppy                                            222
2. Bernard Fonck (BEL)                                            Roosters Spurs                                            221,5
3. Morey Fisk (CAN)                                                                   Shania Snapper                                            221
4. Riecky Young (NED)                                            Burnt Starlight                                             220,5
5. Martin Larcombe (AUS)                                            Big Time Rooster                                            218,5
5. Markus Schöpfer (ITA)                                            Brennas Twist                                                                  218,5
7. Eric Laporte (FRA)                                                                  Leanin Rooster CT                                            218
7. Bernard Fonck (BEL)                                            Custom Wrangler                                            218
9. Dario Carmignani (ITA)                                            Elvis Peppy Taco                                            217
10. Emanuel Ernst (GER)                                            Chickle Me Please                                            216,5
11. Jason Vanlandingham(USA)                       Dun Roostin                                                                  216
11. Davide Brighenti (ITA)                                            OT Taris San Peppy                                            216                     
13. Volker Schmitt (GER)                                            Moonlight Sugar Bar                                            215
14. Ann Poels (BEL)                                                                  Codys Diamond Dunit                       214
15. Tom van Eyck (BEL)                                            Tip A Nic                                                                  213,5
15. Kay Wienrich (GER)                                            Boomerang Andaure                                            213,5                                           
17. Francois Gauthier (CAN)                                            A Flashy Rooster                                            212                     
18. Gabe Hutchins (USA)                                            White Enough                                                                  211                                           
19. Markus Schöpfer (ITA)                                            Remilore                                                                  210,5
20. Rudi Kronsteiner (AUT)                                            Von Mega                                                                  204                     
Nico Hörmann (GER)                                                                  Yankee Bambino                                            no score
Non Pro Lawson Bronze Trophy goes to France for the first time.
From 27 competitors for the USD 23 000,--  Non Pro Bronze Trophy, 18 made it to the final. Francesca Sternberg (GBR) managed to bring all her three horses into the final leading after the go round with her  Yelena My Way. In the final, she had to ride first with her Just Gotta Shine. It was very stylish, precise ride with fine speed control, great spins and long smooth stops scoring a 219.5. Then David Roux (FRA) risked everything astride Power Snap (by Snapper Cal Bar) and scored a superb 220.5 winning the World Reining Trophy Non Pro and USD 6500,--.  Francesca Sternberg (GBR) and Just Gotta Shine placed second, Andrea Castrucci (ITA) and Okie Dun Badger third. Francesca Sternberg also rode Yelena My Way to a fourth place.
Results  Non Pro Bronze Trophy
1. David Roux (FRA)                                                                  Power Snap                                            220,5
2. Francesca Sternberg (GBR)                      Just Gotta Shine                      219,5
3. Andrea Castrucci (ITA)                                            Okie Dun Badger                      215
4. Francesca Sternberg (GBR)                      Yelena My Way                      214,5
5. Priscila Jacquard (FRA)                                            Chic N Roost                                            214
6. Roseanne Sternberg (GBR)                      Stylish Chexinic                      210,5
7. Piet Mestdagh (BEL)                                            SR Lil Peppy Sprat                      210
8. Cira Baeck (BEL)                                                                  Miss Starlight Jac                      206,5
9. Veronika Kiefer (GER)                                            Heavens Little Jewel                      206
9. Robert Welle (SUI)                                                                  Son Ofa Dunit                                            206
11. Thierry Hebert (SUI)                                            MR Royaly Freckles                      204
12. Andrea Castrucci (ITA)                                            MHR Chisum                                            203,5
13. Marc Andries (BEL)                                            Diamond Lynnea                      198,5
14. Yves Fromont (FRA)                                            Titan Texan                                            197,5
15. Priscila Jacquard (FRA)                                            Bo Diddley Whiz                      197
Francesca Sternberg (GBR)                                            Double R Splash                      0
Ingrid Vermeiren (BEL)                                            Custom Berry                                            0
Jan T Kock (GER)                                                                  Boogies Pistol                                            no score

American rider wins Intermediate Non Pro

There were 28 competitors in the Intermediate Non Pro, the winner being Nadine Galbraith (USA) astride Smart Snap. The two showed a superb ride full of harmony and precision with especially good circles and speed control and scored a 214.5. The 8-year-old Smartest Pep-son is leading the Intermediate Non Pro ranking of NRHA U.S.A. at the moment  and won another $ 1400,-- here. Andrea Castrucci (ITA) and his 4-year-old Quarter Horse stallion Okie Dun Badger placed second scoring a 212.5. Andrea Gembe (GER) and her Listo Pep placed second, Jessica Gordon (FRA) and RS Blue Jac Olena third.

Results Intermediate Non Pro

1. Nadine Galbraith (USA)                                            Smart Snap                                            214,5
2. Andrea Castrucci (ITA)                                            Okie Dun Badger                      212,5
3. Andrea Gembe (GER)                                            Listo Pep                                            210,5
4. Jessica Gordon (FRA)                                            RS Blue Jac Olena                      210
5. Priscila Jacquard (FRA)                                             Gunnersaurus Rex                      209
5. Robert Welle (SUI)                                                                  Son Ofa Dunit                                            209
5. Dominique Lupsin (FRA)                                            Ready To Boogie                      209
5. Thierry Hebert (SUI)                                            MR Royaly Freckles                      209
Winning twice:  Eric Laporte (FRA)
The World Reining Trophy 2006 was THE show for the French competitors. Not only did David Roux win the Non Pro Bronze Trophy, but Eric Laporte (who is a member of the French team for the WEG 2006) won two shows: the Intermediate Open and the Limited Open.
As the number 9 of 45 competitors, Eric Laporte and Leanin Rooster CT (owner  David Roux) showed a  great ride with good speed control, fast spins and long powerful stops scoring 217 and winning the class. Leanin Rooster CT is a 9-year-old stallion by Gallo Del Cielo. Laporte became French Reining Champion last year with this horse. Three riders tied for second place scoring a 216: Kay Wienrich (GER) astride Boomerang Andaure (owner Ferme Andaure), Morey Fisk (CAN) astride Gunnersaurus Rex (owner Priscila Jacquard) and Markus Schöpfer (ITA) astride Brennas Twist (owner Catherine Zurcher).
In the Limited Open France won all three first places, the winner being Eric Laporte (FRA) astride the 8-year-old Paint mare Isa Slide In Fly (owner Marion Ravaille) – his score: 215.5. Rudy Caruso (FRA) and  RS Boomer Chic placed second scoring a 214. Julien Legrand (FRA) astride New Doc Peppy Cat and David Gray (GBR) astride Hangten Lena tied for third place scoring a 212,5. 

Results  Intermediate Open

1. Eric Laporte (FRA)                                                                  Leanin Rooster CT                      217
2. Kay Wienrich (GER)                                            Boomerang Andaure                      216
2. Morey Fisk (CAN)                                                                  Giunnersaurus Rex                      216
2. Markus Schöpfer (ITA)                                            Brennas Twist                                            216
5. Nico Hörmann (GER)                                            Yankee Bambino                      215,5
5. Eric Laporte (FRA)                                             Isa Slide In Fly                      215,5

Ergebnisse Limited Open

1. Eric Laporte (FRA)                                             Isa Slide In Fly                       215,5
2. Rudy Caruso (FRA)                                             RS Boomer Chic                       214
3. Julien Legrand (FRA)                                             New Doc Peppy Cat                       212,5
3. David Gray (GBR)                                                                   Hangten Lena                       212,5
5. Olivier Van Den Berg (NED)                       Colonels Nic Nac                       212
6. Laura Duponchel (FRA)                                             Topsy Chic Dream                       210,5
7. Tom Van Eyck (BEL)                                             I Am Little Catalyst                      209,5
7. Yonnel Estival (FRA)                                             Isa Topsail Whiz                       209,5
Andrea Gembe wins Limited Non Pro
Scoring a 210, Andrea Gembe (GER) and her Listo Pep won the Limited Non Pro in Mooslargue. The World Reining Trophy was their first show together, which you could still see in some minor disagreements like in the first speed control. But the gelding by Listo Lena that as bred by Helmut Schmaus-Gerstenberg and had been NRHA Breeders Futurity Finalist, gave a wonderful performance and could win points especially in the second spin and in the stops. David Roux (FRA) astride  Power Snap and Marc Andries (BEL) astride Diamond Lynnea tied for second place scoring a 209.5. Claude Risoli (FRA) and Isa Topsail Whiz placed fourth (206,5).

Results Limited Non Pro

1. Andrea Gembe (GER)                                             Listo Pep                                            210
2. Marc Andries (BEL)                                            Diamond Lynnea                      209,5
2. David Roux (FRA)                                                                  Power Snap                                            209,5
4. Thierry Hebert (SUI)                                            MR Royaly Freckles                      208,5
5. Claude Risoli (FRA)                                            Isa Topsail Whiz                      206,6
6. Alexandra Denger (SUI)                                            Golden Jac Nickolson 206
7. Suzy Baeck (BEL)                                                                  Gumps Haidas BB                      205
7. Suzy Baeck (BEL)                                                         Gumps Spider BB                      205    

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