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AQHA European Experience: THIS IS YOUR EVENT!
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The American Quarter Horse Association and the affiliate of Germany invite all horse enthusiasts to attend the first AQHA European Experience, May 23-25, 2008 at the facility of Brandenburghalle near Berlin, Germany. Imagine professional horsemen, experienced volunteers, and knowledgeable retailers coming together to celebrate the American Quarter Horse and educate horse lovers from every walk of life about the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA). That's the AQHA European Quarter Horse Experience.


The event is organized by the German Quarter Horse Association. Created to encourage participation from exhibitors at all levels of ability in an event branded to the American Quarter Horse lifestyle, the Experience opens the doors for anyone who desires to show and learn more about American Quarter Horses. It will blend competition, education and trade show commerce to introduce more people to AQHA shows and invite previous exhibitors back to the Association. The total purse including trophies is $ 150,000 which are sponsored by AQHA and their Corporate Partners. All the European Quarter Horse Affiliates are welcome to present themselves during this week-end. This event is a great chance of promoting the American Quarter Horse.

The European Quarter Horse Experience will be open to all exhibitors and owners residing in Europe. Each exhibitor must be a current AQHA member and all horses must be AQHA registered. You or your horse cannot show the same class in any division (novice youth, youth, novice amateur, amateur, amateur select or open) at a Regional Experience that you placed in the Top 10 in the preceding calendar year’s AQHA World Championship Shows or that was Champion or Reserve in the preceding calendar year’s European Championships.

It is still too early for an exact schedule and programme, but there will be top level sport including an AQHA Show with 86 x 2 classes offering very attractive prizes like buckles and saddles, especially for the Novice shows, NCHA, NRHA, NSBA classes and a CRI**, Clinics with renowned trainers, seminaries for breeders and. More Information will follow.

Information of the facility: www.brandenburghalle.de
Information of the event. www.dqha.de, info@dqha.de, +49 (6021) 58459-0

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