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Tom McCutcheon and Smartest Chic Olena - USET Open First Go Round Leaders
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Thursday, June 19 2003

Gladstone, N. J. - Despite wet weather and the forecast of more rain, the Reining competition at the USET Festival of Champions presented by Bayer began right on schedule. The Open Championship first go round leader is Tom McCutcheon, Aubrey, TX, who rode Terry Owens' Smartest Chic Olena to a 220 score. With a score of 218, Todd Crawford, Blanchard, OK, and Commandalena stand alone in second place. Two teams are tied for third place with scores of 217.5; Remin Whiz ridden by Todd Sommers and Starlights Wrangler ridden by Dell Hendricks. Rounding out the top five is Brian Bell riding A Smart Enterprise to a score of 217.

The McCutcheon and Smartest Chic Olena partnership has an enviable record. The 2002 Saddlesmith and 2001 NRBC Derby Open Champions have earned more than $86,000 together. In 2003, they dominated the USET Reining All Star Series by winning both events. McCutcheon was a member of the World Equestrian Games 2002 Jerez, Spain, Gold Medal Team USA. Smartest Chic Olena is by NRHA Two Million Dollar Sire Smart Chic Olena and out of Colonels Dove. Owner Terry Owens, Weimar, TX, purchased the flashy 1996 stallion early in 2000.

Commandalena is also sired by Smart Chic Olena. Christina Bergquist Knox, Ardmore, OK, owns the 1993 stallion. Commandalena has more than $26,000 in NRHA earnings. Crawford is no stranger to USET competition. In 2000, he earned the Gold and Silver medals in the Festival's Open Championship riding Hickorys Holly Cee and Ima Nu Bar Bay, respectively. Lucy Van Swearingen, Richmond, TX, owns Remin Whiz, Sally Broten, River Falls, WI, owns Starlights Wrangler, and Bob LaPorta, Damascus, MD, owns A Smart Enterprise.














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