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“CELADNA RIDE & SLIDE 2005” NRHA approved show – preparations are underway
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The “Celadna Ride & Slide 2005” show is approaching fast. The preparations for the first ever NRHA aproved show in Czech Republic are underway. The reining show will take place at the Prosper Horse Ranch in Celadna on May 14-15. At the end of January the show was officially approved by the National Reining Horse Association.


New reining footing to be inaugurated during Maik Bartmann’s clinic
The Paint Horse s.r.o. company – the co-organizer of the “Celadna Ride & Slide 2005” and manager of the Prosper Horse Ranch – decided to improve the main arena’s footing. A professional reining ground is being prepared. The inauguration of the new footing will take place during a reining clinic conducted by Maik Bartmann (Germany). It’s the second time that Maik will come to Celadna. The clinic with the FEI European reining champion (with team Germany) is scheduled for March 19-20 and is already fully booked.

Frinta Saddlery offers a trophy saddle for the NRHA Open champion!
A total of 13 reining classes will be offered in Celadna. Seven of them will be NRHA USA approved. The NRHA Morrison Trophy Open class with 1000 USD money added will be the highlight of the whole show. Apart from the Morrison Trophy and the prize money, a great trophy saddle is waiting for the NRHA Open winner.

A saddlery well known to all European competitors – the Frinta Saddlery from Czech Republic – will sponsor a “BB Reiner” trophy saddle worth 2000 euros. This saddle will be given to the winner of the NRHA Open class. Frinta Saddlery was founded in 1999. Even though it is a rather young company, its employees have a lot of experience in making saddles and custom tack. Frinta saddles are handmade and the company uses high quality oak leather and two types of wooden trees: covered with rawhide or with fiberglass. All saddle’s carvings are also handmade. Besides saddles, Frinta Saddlery specializes also in all sort of leather tack.

Frinta Saddlery is well known not only in Czech Republic but also in other European countries. European customers had the opportunity to visit their booth during the Americana 2002. Frinta Saddlery also sponsored two trophy saddles for this big event: for the Senior Western Pleasure European Champion at the Americana 2002 and for the Working Cow Horse European Champion during last year’s event.

We invite all riders to participate in this first NRHA approved show in Central Europe. You can find more information about Frinta Saddlery on www.frintasaddlery.com. More information about the ranch and the show are available at www.painthorse.cz or www.plrha.pl

For further information please contact:
Show manager: Michal Pec, phone: +48 698 167 047, e-mail: mipe@poczta.wp.pl
Show secretary: Katarzyna Pec, e-mail: pecka@poczta.wp.pl


Quelle Michal Pec


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Letztes Update dieser Seite: 03/17/2016 15:49:01

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