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Swedish reiners set their minds towards Dortmund
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Bad Like I Wanna Be is well known by Swedish reining supporters, he and his owner Anna Löf has been successful both in Europe and Sweden for several years until a health problem stopped him in 2003.

He has been treated and feels now ok according to Anna, she did have the Veterinarian at Helsingborg Vet station check him up before the journey down to Dortmund and he got “green light”. They are doing this journey well aware that it is “Baloos” fist show in over a year and the expectations is moderate.


Johan Svensson will bring a quarter horse stallion to the show, CB Too Tuff, owned by Okna Ranch (SWE), him and the stallion has been to Germany once before and did pretty ok. This is the first performance Johan does as a team member and the first really big event they (the horse & rider) are doing. Johan is really looking forward to do this, meet the competitors from Europe and se what is needed of him to be able to reach the same level.

Waldemar Wass who’s just come home from a two month stay at the Sterling Ranch USA. He has been more on horseback than on the ground according to himself, riding horses from breakfast to supper, has made him a better rider he hope.

He and the German owned stallion Sr Too Doc has had a very successful year 2004. And according to Waldemar the horse feels really smooth and supple and he is confident with his horse. Waldemar has a history of working at Time Stables and Kai Thielk during 2003, where “Walle” also competed some in Germany.

The last but not least competitor from the Swedish Team is Anders Josefsson, who has been fortunate enough to borrow a horse from Steffen Breug whom he works a lot together with. Anders will go down to Steffen on Tuesday to ride the horse some before the show and then he will join the team on Thursday. The horse is kindly provided by Ines Maria Bors, and is a quarter horse stallion born 96 and under the name of Commander Fair Sam.

We have a rider that also attended the Bremen Show he is not a member of the team, but compete for Sweden. Johan Fridberger he is currently working in The Netherlands with Barry Schurman. BH Enterprise is also a stallion and a quarter horse and he is owned by Anna Lönedal.

Together with the team will also Team leader Torbjorn Jonestad come, to se what is needed from his rider when they go to Europe.

The Swedish team is not buildt from results only but from attitude, willingess and effort. Sweden has about 100 Reiners that has decides that they will go for Reining and nothing else, they are competing at the NRHA shows and also at the Swedish reining Horse assn Shows.

Reining is growing rapidly in Sweden, and there are a lot of good horses.

Quelle Monica Widh

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